When my kids were little, they each had their favorite TV shows to watch. Zac loved Barney, or "Narney" as he would call it. Doran loved Blues Clues, and for Abbi it was "Do-a"...or Dora the Explorer. Thankfully, there was enough space between the three of them that they didn't fight over what we had to watch. Well at least most of the time. This morning, I am sitting in my living room and all is quiet. The TV is not on...there's no cheery music in the background, no silly questions...only quiet. Though at times I miss the days when they were little and thought their dad and I could do no wrong, today, I am just enjoying the peacefulness of this quiet moment.
I remember when Doran was just 3, and he wanted to watch Blue Clues, he had to have his "Binkin' Chair". It was a little red chair, made to look just like the Thinkin' Chair on the show...where Steve would "Sit down in his thinkin' chair, and think, think, thin-n-n-n-nk!" (I love how all you moms just sang that little song! You know you did!) He would sit there for hours, if I'd let him, and watch Steve and Blue all day long.
Yesterday, I had an "AHA" moment, when I realized I needed a Thinkin' Chair quite desperately. You see, I have spent precious hours in recent days trying to figure out how to make God's plan for my life (and my family's lives) happen. My husband is running for a public office...I've spent hours alongside him, strategizing and planning. My boys are both in college and trying to figure out how to pay for it. I've spent hours researching funding options for higher education. Abbi is a Senior and I don't have to explain the countless hours we have spent, looking at options for college and scholarship opportunities. I 've planned out ways to make Zach & Rebecca's dream life happen (although, the last thing they need is me to get involved there!) Mike's mom is now 88 and though her mind is very keen, her body is not. I 've thought about all the possibilities of caring for her. I've dreamed about ministry opportunities for me and writing a book and the list goes on.
I've read the drama that plays out on Facebook everyday and felt my blood pressure rise as I absorbed the non-sense. I've worried over the Presidential election and direction our country is heading. It seems that the more I think on these things the bleaker my world appears.
I never realized that the more I thought on those things, I didn't come up with a solution, only stress. Oh, every now and then I would have a good idea, but it was short lived and soon the stress would return. My joy plumeted as thoughts turned to the things I've mentioned.
But wait, I've prayed about all of these things (ok, maybe not Facebook) and I believe that in every situation, we are headed in the direction God has planned for us. I believe He orders my steps, so why am I so restless?
Yesterday, it hit me...because I am thinking about the wrong things. You see, as a follower of Christ, I have placed my future in His hands. So why did I buy into satan's trick that says I have to fill my mind with ways to make God's plan for my life happen? I don't know why...but I did.
God's word tells us in Philippians 4:8 that "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." Does that mean I should sit back and just wait for God's plan to happen? That I should just sit around and think about the good things and never deal with the issues at hand?
I don't think that is what the writer of this passage means at all. I do think that God's intentions for me include me filling my mind with the things mentioned in this passage. I think He wants me to spend a good portion of my time and energy, dwelling on things that are noble, pure and true. As I do that, I believe He will be faithful and guide me as to how to navigate the issues I face on a day to day basis.
It's easy to say I want to think on the good things, but when I spend more time on Facebook, than I do in God's word, I am just fooling myself to believe I have heard from Him. I know this to be true because when I came to this realization yesterday, a thousand reasons why I SHOULDN'T take a break from Facebook came to mind. The election is only days away (God is in control). Most of my business comes through Facebook (but God is in control). I don't watch TV so how will I know about the news (God is in control). I might miss a birthday or an important event (God is in control). And just like that, I had my answer. Though my walk with Him was not in jeopardy, my peace was. I needed to spend more time in the Word and more time thinking about the things He wants me to dwell on.
So although my "Thinkin' Chair" isn't red, and actually it isn't a chair at all, today I am installing a "Thinkin' Chair" in my life. A place where I can spend a good portion of my time, thinking on the things God wants me to. I will trust Him to order my steps and those of my family. He has proven His faithfulness to me over and over and over again. I have no doubt, He will remain faithful in all that concerns me. So pardon me while I "sit down in my thinkin' chair and think, think, thin-n-n-n-nk!