Even as read the above mentioned passage, I could feel God compelling me to write about it. Again, the inward struggle was real. I feared that others may read what I would write and think I was calling someone out. And though it is true that as I read the afore mentioned passage, several faces popped into my mind, if I am completely honest, the most prominent face was my own. So if you are reading this blog, and you think, even for a moment, "Oh, she is pointing her finger at me", or maybe, "uh-ha, she's trying to call me out"...let me just put your mind at ease. The only one I am exposing here is myself...my own judgmental, self-seeking self. But before you start pointing your finger at me and start thinking, "I told ya so"...maybe, just maybe you should ask God, am I guilty of the same offense? Because, I believe that if we are honest, it is something we all struggle with.
For the past several weeks, I have been doing a Bible study/devotional based on the book Adamant, by Lisa Bevere. It is a book that has challenged me on many days to look harder at my walk with Christ and to strive to change things that need to be fixed in my life. But it was this short passage that stood out to me, almost as if someone had taken a bright yellow highlighter and marked it to grab my attention:
"At its core, truth is not a what, but a who, because Jesus said He is the truth. Jesus also said that God's Word is truth. The world loves to think of truth as fluctuating and relative, but the truth that is grounded in the person of Jesus and the Word of God never changes. In a world full of opinions, God's truth leads us to convictions we can build our lives on.
We must be careful to discern the difference between opinions and convictions. Our world doesn't need the messiness that comes with numerous opinions. It needs the stability that comes with truth. Let's not contribute to the noise that distracts and keeps us from looking to Scripture and the Spirit of truth.
Opinions are easy to make and quick to change, but hard to clean up if we've been careless in spreading ours around. They can become like litter that defiles both others' lives and our own. We must carefully guard our words to ensure we are part of the solution to the problems we're are anointed to change.
I challenge you to edit your life and edit the words you choose to speak. Be careful about what you read, listen to, say or post. Do not air your family issues, or the church's issues, for all the world to see. Yet, at the same time, don't remain silent about them: Speak to family about family issues. If someone isn't involved in the problem or solution, don't unnecessarily involve them. This only makes the problem bigger rather than solving it."
Everyone has an opinion. Be honest. Everyone has an opinion...but is it necessary...and even more importantly, is it beneficial for you to share that opinion? And while you are answering that question, let me ask this one...who is benefitting from you sharing your opinion? Honestly, at least 98% of the time, when I share my opinion, I am the one who benefits. So how then, do I distinguish between 'opinion' and 'conviction'...because until now, I would have defined conviction as a very strong opinion...but it is not that at all. A true conviction can only come from the truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth. It doesn't come from your emotions. It doesn't come from your upbringing. God refers to Himself and His Word as truth. And I would challenge you make Him the measuring guide by which you measure truth. Did this come from Him? If not, can it really be truth?
Our society is thirsty for the exposed truth. Everyone wants to know the real truth. The behind the scenes story...the "rest" of the story. Look at the popularity of reality tv and expose' journalism. We all want to know the truth...but the Truth is not hidden behind closed doors. No, the Truth was hung on a cross before the entire world!
My opinion, as much as I believe it, its not 100% truth. It is tainted and warped by my experiences, my emotions and my beliefs. It is my opinion, and until now, I thought it was important that I share my opinion about certain things with everyone. I shared my opinions in this blog, on Facebook, Instagram and in personal daily conversations. But what I am now realizing is that my opinion is noise. Noise...a clanging cymbal, a resounding gong...just noise. Noise, that contributes to the noise pollution of a world that is desperately thirsty for truth. Truth that I have, yet I choose to give them noise instead. Noise that distracts those who are listening and makes it nearly impossible for them to hear the Truth.
1 Corinthians 13 says this :
"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love (truth), I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal."I was a drum major in my high school band for 3 years. Those who were in the band under my leadership will most likely remember that one thing I hated was noise. You know that drummer who just keeps drumming or the trumpet player who just keeps playing long after the conductor has given the signal for the cut off. I always saw it as disrespectful and useless...yet, if I am honest...if I am truly honest, I am guilty of this offense. I have contributed on many occasions to the noise. Even when I know the conductor (God himself) has given me the cue for the cutoff. Many times He has even gone so far as to call me out on it...and I still played on. Why? Not because my song was so important that others needed to hear...no, it was because it felt good to get it out. It felt good. But it wasn't good. It was noisy. Very noisy.
That's what our opinions are...just noise. If you want to make beautiful music, you're going to have to pay close attention to the Conductor...and He will always point you to the Truth, His Word, The Score. If it doesn't come from there, well then it simply doesn't measure up and it is noise. It is distracting. We are all entitled to our opinions...but that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone else is entitled to your opinion. Ask yourself before you share it, does this line up with God's Word? If not, then as righteous as you may feel, it is your opinion and it is noise. Keep it to yourself. If it is truth, real truth, then let God reveal it in the symphony He is directing. It really isn't your job. As for me, I'm going to do my best to stick to the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.
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